An Introduction to Foam Rollers

If you are hitting the weights hard in the gym, doing home workouts, or getting active with sports, you are tiring out your muscles and pushing them to the limit. Any fitness enthusiast, personal trainer, or professional athlete will agree with me in saying how important it is to take care of your muscles after you exercise. Stretching is great, hence the resurgence of yoga and pilates. However, sometimes, we need a bit of help to really get the most out of our recovery. Cue the Foam Roller! Foam rollers are a great tool to help relax and recover your muscles when they are exhausted and tight from working out. They are a fantastic tool for the avid exerciser and pretty darn cheap to boot. You’ve probably seen them in your gym or at your yoga classes, but knowing where to start can be a bit confusing. Katie Dunlop of LoveSweat&Fitness shares with us a great way to start your foam rolling and make sure you are getting the most out of your warm-down!

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