Fat Burning Body Toner Workout

To do this home fat burning cardio workout, first try all of the exercises to make sure you are comfortable with them, especially if you are a beginner. For Set 1 of this fat burner workout, you’ll do all of the exercises for 10 reps, followed by 3 mins of jumprope and 1 min of rest. Then you’ll move to Set 2 of this fat burning HIIT workout and do the same thing: 10 reps for each exercise, 3 mins of jumprope and 1 min of rest. Then you’ll do round 2 of the entire fat burning workout to lose weight, doing 15 reps for each of the exercises. For round 3 you’ll do 20 reps of each of the exercises in this fat burning home workout. Then you’re done!

Set 1
1) Medicine Ball Throw Squat
2) Rollback Kickback Pushup
3) Weighted Bench Stepovers
4) 3 Min Jumprope
5) 1 Min Rest

Set 2
1) Speedskaters
2) Box Squat Jumps
3) Alternating Kickups
4) 3 Min Jumprope
5) 1 Min Rest

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