A Guide to Losing Weight

In theory and on paper weight loss seems easy. Truth of the matter it is, or well it can be. Long term successful weight loss requires commitment, focus and often a complete reboot of your current lifestyle. Know this, it CAN be done. That’s why we are here to help you along the way!

Weight loss isn’t a quick fix, its a journey. You will have to make choices that are uncomfortable in the moment. You will have to stay accountable: food, drink, fitness. Most of all you will have to be patient. Remember the new you is within reach and taking the time to change your life is something you will be completely proud of.

Here are some tips we are sure can be helpful for you!

Set New Goals
Every time you set out to lose 5 or 10 pounds do you tell yourself the same thing? I will eat better, I will workout more…You are not going to hit your goals be repeating the same unsuccessful techniques. Set New Goals! Set a goal to eat unprocessed foods, to try new recipes and even better set a fitness goal! Run a 5k and shoot for your PR, or set a goal to bench press (x) amount of weight. We are pretty sure these goals are ones that you will hit!

I look around as I am out on the street and I see more people engaging with their phones than with the people that are right in front of them. Even worse, I think, is to see people seemingly working out while texting and talking on the phone! Come on gang! Allot yourself time to workout, put your phone on airplane mode and start to see more success on the scale and/or how your clothes fit.

Clean Cupboards
If it’s there, you will eat it. This is a fact. Keep your home, office, even your car free of indulgent treats that hinder you hitting your goals. Out of sight out of mind.

Warrior II
Think yoga is for the birds, think again. Yes, there are many restorative stretching poses in this 5000 year old practice, and there a many extremely challenging poses that will have your body shaking and burning as you fire up your muscles. Include one yoga workout per week to start and see for yourself!

Keep an Eye
Not a fan of the scale? It can be daunting, while informative. Keep an eye on yourself. Check in with how your clothes are fitting, are you seeing a change? Take a good look in the mirror, are you seeing a change? Make a note and keep on with your healthy life revamp.

Step Into It
Change takes commitment. Get out of your own way. Move the mind and the body will follow. Just do it. Do the opposite of what you would normally have done. Add a 30 second sprint to your treadmill time. Add an extra workout at lunch. Lift heavier. If you need more help, listen to what we are saying. We have your best you in mind.

Community & Friends
Don’t do this alone. Guaranteed the person that is standing next to you right now is on the same journey. Pair up, group up and hit the bulls eye as a team. Book group fitness together, make healthy meals together, lean on each other for support. It really does take a village.

No Revisiting Your Old Habits
Have you hit or are you nearing your goal weight? Good, actually Great! Now is the time that can be a slippery slope. It is easy to treat or reward yourself in the ways that you were most used to. Don’t. You are in the midst of a lifestyle change that you want to be permanent. Before slipping into your old habits look forward into the new improved version of you and make your choices from there. You will be happier with that choice tomorrow morning, we promise.


Susy Sedano is a Content Producer, a fitness enthusiast and an avid cook of healthy meals. She prides herself on creating healthy dishes for family and friends, and is always on the hunt for new workouts and recipes! Despite her hectic non-stop work and fitness schedules, she is a “girl’s girl” and a student of life!
Want more from me? Find me on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.

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