Quick & Easy: Heart Healthy Egg Muffins

Breakfast can sometimes feel like a more stressful event than it has to be, especially if you’re cooking for more than just yourself. The added stress of getting to work on time, being tired, and needing to get everything together can create a less than relaxed environment. Well, this recipe from Show Me The Yummy is a great way to get in a healthy, nutritious breakfast for the whole family, that allows you the time to prepare for the day while also filling tummies. This recipe is simple, full of nutritious vegetables like spinach, onion, and bell peppers, and is baked in the oven meaning you don’t have to slave over a stove to get a protein filled breakfast into the family before leaving the house. Fill a muffin tray, set the oven timer and relax… or run around trying to get your 5 year old nephew into his clothes. Either way, it’s a wholeness way to seize the day on a full stomach!

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