3 Moves to Get a Beautiful, Sexy Back!

It’s never too early or too late to build a better, more beautiful, back. You don’t need to schedule a lot of time for the 3 simple back exercises below. They can be done at home or at the park on your lunch break on an exercise mat. Why not start today?

The “Superman”


1. Start by laying flat on a mat, with your face down and extend your arms in front, palm down on the mat.

2. Lift your chest as you raise the left arm and your opposite (right) leg a few inches off the mat. Hold the raised position for 3 seconds.

3. Lower and return to the starting position.

4. Raise  the right arm and opposite (left) leg a few inches off the mat. Hold the raised position for 3 seconds.

5. Lower and return to the starting position. This completes 1 rep.

Repeat up to 10 times.

Click on page 2 for the next exercise…

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