14 Tips to Drop One Pound in One Week

1000 calorie workout

Are you struggling to see a shift on your scale? Full disclosure, I am. I know what I need to be doing, however, stress has got  me making poor choices. Choices that I know are hindering my success. I found this chart that I think will help. I am not specifically making the mistakes on the Diet side, this is a helpful reminder to rethink my mindless choices as I reach into the fridge or pantry. I am also, kicking up my cardio. I had to take a pause in my workouts 5 weeks ago (Super Frustrating), and am slowly getting back into the high calorie burning activities which I know will help. The Exercise column is a reminder that besides my scheduled workouts (6 days a week), to keep moving, and moving and moving.

I hope this will help you too! This chart is based on a 130lb lady. Have a great day, get moving and make smart choices!


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