3 Minutes of Core

Why waste time? If you can get your work done in one intense routine, why not?! Here is a great quick, but intense core focused combo of moves. Any time you are in plank position you are forced to use your entire core – around your entire mid-section – if you are doing it correctly, you will know! Same goes for Dolphin move.

Keep in mind that a flat tummy has a lot to do with your diet, it also means working all parts of our core, which is why this routine is awesome! Have fun!

Here are the moves:

Knee Drivers
Single Leg Teaser
Single Leg Stretch


Susy Sedano is a Content Producer, a fitness enthusiast and an avid cook of healthy meals. She prides herself on creating healthy dishes for family and friends, and is always on the hunt for new workouts and recipes! Despite her hectic non-stop work and fitness schedules, she is a “girl’s girl” and a student of life!
Want more from me? Find me on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.

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