Shape Your Butt with 5 Moves

These are 5 Pilates inspired moves that if performed often and with precision, will lift and shape your booty. As with any routine practice and frequency are keys to seeing a difference in your body. These are very specific moves meaning you will really need to focus on the muscles you are moving and squeeze them. Stay present with the movements, you’ve set aside this time to workout, so commit your mind and your body! You will feel how effective these moves are the next day!

Some of these exercises remind me of taking barre classes – and I can barely walk when class is over! Have fun with this!


Susy Sedano is a Content Producer, a fitness enthusiast and an avid cook of healthy meals. She prides herself on creating healthy dishes for family and friends, and is always on the hunt for new workouts and recipes! Despite her hectic non-stop work and fitness schedules, she is a “girl’s girl” and a student of life!
Want more from me? Find me on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.

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