More Cheese Please – Healthiest Cheeses

I love cheese, I mean who doesn’t?! Well, ok, Vegans don’t, but for the dairy devouring nation, cheese is a true love. However, cheese can be a detriment to a healthy diet, being high in saturated fats as well as some other not-so-nice factors. Yet, that doesn’t mean it’s completely off limits. There are healthy ways to include cheese in your diet and we are here to get you going with the four healthiest options (in no particular order).

  1. Feta
    This staple in greek salads and artisan pizzas has some serious nutritional benefits which make it a top 4 contender. Feta is packed with calcium and Vitamin B12, which help strong bones, muscle and heart health, red blood cell production and brain function. It also has some iron and Vitamin D. However feta does have a high saturated fat content so it still must be used with care and in limited portion size.
  2. Low-Fat Cottage Cheesecottage-cheese
    This one has been on the healthy list since it’s inception. Low fat cottage cheese is a great way to pack in protein while curbing quite a few different cravings. It can be used for dessert ideas when mixed with cocao or fruit, or as a dip alternative for veg when mixed thoroughly with garlic, pepper, and fresh dill. Cottage cheese is low in fat and calories while being high in protein and calcium. Yes please!
  3. Parmesan
    Now it has to be REAL parmesan, but if it is, there are some great reasons to add it in to your meal plan every now and then. Parmesan is high in protein and calcium, as well as a healthy dose of Vitamin A which is needed for healthy teeth, skin, and body tissue. As with feta, it is still high in fat and sodium, so make sure to use it sparingly.
  4. Low-Fat Swiss Cheeselow-fat-swiss-cheese
    Swiss cheese has to make it on because of it’s fantastic mineral content. Like any of our top 4, it is high in protein and calcium, but also has a great dose of selenium, potassium, and Vitamin A. Not too many other cheeses can boast that whilst also packing in the same amount of flavor and limited saturates and fats.

It is important to remember that with anything, moderation is key. Cheese can certainly be added into your meal plan, but make sure it’s the right kind and in the right dosage! The Diet Doctor is always watching! Stay healthy and filled up.

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