Focus: Leg Slimming, Thigh Toning & Butt Lifting

No equipment needed. Grab a mat and let’s get going.

I’m continuing my lower body focus – this is a Pilates inspired routine which means all we are using is our bodies. Breathe, squeeze and focus. This is going to burn. If you want to make this more difficult, add ankle weights. You will be doing 40 seconds on 10 seconds off. Form is everything. If you need to take a little break – 5 seconds will refresh you – get back into it with the correct form. Have fun!

Here are the moves:

Swing Bridge
Outside Leg Raise + Pulse
Inside Leg Raise + Pulse
Reverse Leg Raises + Pulse
Up & Over Leg Raises
Double Taps



Susy Sedano is a Content Producer, a fitness enthusiast and an avid cook of healthy meals. She prides herself on creating healthy dishes for family and friends, and is always on the hunt for new workouts and recipes! Despite her hectic non-stop work and fitness schedules, she is a “girl’s girl” and a student of life!
Want more from me? Find me on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.

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