Shredded Arms!

It’s getting sunny and the weather is warming up. We know what that means! Less jackets and sweaters, more t-shirts and tank tops. This workout will prep you and ensure that you feel fabulous when you show some skin. My goal is to have arms that are the envy of others, which takes work. The moves here will work your entire upper body. Do these often with cardio and a clean diet, and you too will have arms that are envied.

Here are the moves:

1) Shoulder Press – Works both shoulders and arms
2) Bicep Curls – A classic gym exercise to target the biceps
3) Pushback Pushups – This move works the chest and the arms together
4) Lateral Raise – Another shoulder move that also works arms
5) Elbow Up Pushup – A very challenging pushup variation that works the triceps
6) Front Raise – Great for the shoulders



Susy Sedano is a Content Producer, a fitness enthusiast and an avid cook of healthy meals. She prides herself on creating healthy dishes for family and friends, and is always on the hunt for new workouts and recipes! Despite her hectic non-stop work and fitness schedules, she is a “girl’s girl” and a student of life!
Want more from me? Find me on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.

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