Target: Lower Body

Bring on those skinny jeans. We are approaching the time to shed those winter coats and sweaters – so, let’s be ready. This routine will get your heart pumping, and is full of strength an plyo moves. This will burn fat and tone simultaneously. You’ll be out of breath by minute two. Feel the burn of your inner and outer thighs. Try to get as much range of motion as possible, really working into each move will give the most benefits. If you have to take it slower, that is completely fine! Get it done!

Here are the moves:

Jumping Jacks
Scissor Jacks
Gate Swings
Gate Swings with Cross
Alternating Side Lunges
Reverse Lunges
Under the Fence Squat and Kick
Single Leg Bridge



Susy Sedano is a Content Producer, a fitness enthusiast and an avid cook of healthy meals. She prides herself on creating healthy dishes for family and friends, and is always on the hunt for new workouts and recipes! Despite her hectic non-stop work and fitness schedules, she is a “girl’s girl” and a student of life!
Want more from me? Find me on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.

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