To do this home fat burning cardio workout, first try all of the exercises to make sure you are comfortable with them, especially if you are a beginner. For Set 1 of this fat burner workout, you’ll do all of the exercises for 10 reps, followed by 3 mins of jumprope and 1 min of rest. Then you’ll move to Set 2 of this fat burning HIIT workout and do the same thing: 10 reps for each exercise, 3 mins of jumprope and 1 min of rest. Then you’ll do round 2 of the entire fat burning workout to lose weight, doing 15 reps for each of the exercises. For round 3 you’ll do 20 reps of each of the exercises in this fat burning home workout. Then you’re done!
Set 1
1) Medicine Ball Throw Squat
2) Rollback Kickback Pushup
3) Weighted Bench Stepovers
4) 3 Min Jumprope
5) 1 Min Rest
Set 2
1) Speedskaters
2) Box Squat Jumps
3) Alternating Kickups
4) 3 Min Jumprope
5) 1 Min Rest