Insulin Resistance Diet – 8 Best Options You Should Eat

Insulin Resistance Diet
Insulin Resistance Diet

For those that are diabetic or want to lower their blood sugar, making sure that they consume foods that keep blood sugar low is vital. Some people need a specific food regimen or can require an insulin resistance diet. 

Not only should it incorporate the right food items but it should also help meet the necessary nutritional needs of a person.

Dieting usually refers to a person’s attempt at losing weight by lessening the amount of food they consume. Dieting can also refer to an individual’s mental and physical condition connected to eating.

Insulin resistance diet requires you to eat similar to how people in the Paleolithic era ate.

Another famous diet worth mentioning is the vegan diet. This diet involves participating in a plant-based diet. Vegan diets include vegetables, fruits, and grains and avoiding products from animals. This includes dairy, meat, and eggs which are usually someone’s primary source of protein.

Some people have deficiencies in their health and can require a specific kind of diet to help with this. Insulin-resistance diets, help individuals that have problems regulating their blood sugar levels. If this seems vague, don’t worry we cover it in detail below.

Insulin Resistance Diet

Insulin Resistance Diet
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An Insulin resistance diet is for people who have an Insulin resistance problem. Insulin resistance is when your cells are not able to use the insulin that your pancreas produces. It can also be because your pancreas doesn’t produce any insulin at all. This diet includes eating whole, unprocessed food while avoiding highly processed food.

Insulin’s primary purpose is to carry the sugar from your blood into your cells and then turn it into energy. Eating too much sugar can overwhelm your system. This often can lead to a massive increase in blood sugar levels requiring the pancreas to create more insulin.

What is Pre-Diabetes?

When your cells can not use the glucose in your body as energy, this leads to high levels of sugar in your body. The pancreas will then start working overtime to create more insulin, and the process is known as prediabetes.

When the pancreas overworks itself to make insulin, you will eventually end up with type 2 diabetes. Long-term insulin resistance will cause major health problems like damage to your organs, limbs, eyes, and muscles.

Your body not being able to regulate your blood sugar normally is a consequence of insulin resistance. But, eating a low-carbohydrate diet can help you stabilize your blood sugar. Low-carb diets are proven to help reverse health conditions that come from insulin resistance.

The American Diabetes Association, or ADA, made it clear that a diet that works for everyone does not exist. The ADA however recommends having personalized nutrition. This will then help you achieve the desired blood sugar target and your weight management goals.

Taking an insulin resistance diet can help you regulate your body’s insulin. Taking in the right food can reduce your insulin resistance. It can also help you regulate your blood sugar levels.

Best Food Options In An Insulin Resistance Diet

Insulin Resistance Diet
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By taking certain diets and making some lifestyle changes, it’s possible to reverse insulin resistance conditions. Taking in the right combination of food can keep your insulin and blood sugar levels in check.

There are certain kinds of food that you can eat if you are insulin resistant. The ADA was able to publish a broad guideline for people who suffer from this deficiency:

  • Eat more whole grains to boost your fiber intake.
  • Take in food that gives polyunsaturated fats.
  • Eat more non-starchy vegetables.
  • Have more whole foods and less processed ones.

8 Types of Food in An Insulin Resistance Diet

1. Vegetables

Insulin Resistance Diet
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  • Vegetables are an ideal food item to help you manage your blood sugar. These types of food are low in calories and high in fiber.
  • Food options include tomatoes, asparagus, green beans, and carrots. Leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables are good options as well.

2. Fruits

Insulin Resistance Diet
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  • Whole fruits are also high in fiber and can help you feel fuller. Fruits also contain vitamins and minerals.
  • Food options include Apples, berries, green bananas, and grapes.

3. Dairy

Insulin Resistance Diet
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  • Eating dairy will provide you with calcium. This will give you stronger bones and teeth. If you’re lactose intolerant then you can drink alternative ones like soy milk.
  • Food options include low-fat milk, unsweetened milk, and yogurt.

4. Whole Grains

Whole grains
Image credits: Pexels

5. Beans and Legumes

Insulin Resistance Diet
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  • Beans and legumes are excellent sources of fiber and protein. It raises blood sugar levels slowly which is good for people who have insulin resistance.
  • Food options include red and black beans, pinto, and chickpeas.

6. Fish

Insulin Resistance Diet
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  • Fish is a great source of protein. Fish that are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids are also preferable. Omega 3 reduces the risk of having heart problems.
  • Food options include mackerel, salmon, sardines, and tuna.

7. Lean protein and Poultry

Insulin Resistance Diet
Image credits: Pexels
  • Lean white meat is an excellent source of protein. But, you should avoid eating the skin part of the white meat. Cooking with the skin on is fine as long as you toss it after cooking your meal.
  • Food options include chicken, pork, beef, and lamb.

8. Nuts and Seeds

Insulin Resistance Diet
Image credits: Pexels
  • Nuts and seeds contain healthy unsaturated fats. These unsaturated fats can slow down digestion. It can also provide essential fatty acids. Nuts and seeds are also low in carbohydrates which can help in managing your blood sugar.
  • Nuts and seeds can offer healthy fats, magnesium, protein, and fiber.

Foods That You Should Avoid During Insulin Resistance Diet

Insulin Resistance Diet
Image credits: Pexels

Eating the right food can help you in regulating your health. But, there are also some food items that you should avoid to stay healthy.

Fruit juices should be avoided. These kinds of juice are like regular sodas and can quickly raise your blood sugar. Even ones that are unsweetened or labeled with “no sugar added” are high in natural sugars.

You should skip eating high intakes of saturated fats like whole milk or full-fat yogurts. These food items are found to be linked to insulin resistance.

Avoiding highly processed food is also suggested. Processed foods usually contain excessive sodium and sugars, preservatives, and low nutrients. Excessive weight gain is caused by eating processed foods regularly.

Carbohydrates and calories are found in most alcoholic drinks. You should also be careful when drinking medicine to lowering blood glucose with alcohol. This combination may put you at risk of having hypoglycemia.

Insulin Resistance Diet and Exercising

Insulin Resistance Diet
Image credits: Pexels

Eating the right kind of food and taking in the right medicine is essential for someone who has insulin resistance. You should also consider exercising daily to maintain your weight and to also promote weight loss.

Just walking after a meal or just by getting some movements throughout the day can improve your blood sugar levels. Your muscles help in soaking up the glucose in your blood so working out is highly recommended.

Exercises that you can do to prevent diabetes and improve your insulin sensitivity

1. Flexibility Training

  • This exercise promotes control of movement and balance.
  • Some examples of flexibility training are yoga and taichi.

2. Aerobic Activity

  • Two hours and thirty minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity aerobic exercise per week are highly recommended by ADA.
  • Some examples of this activity are walking, jogging, biking, and hiking.

3. Resistance Exercise

  • This exercise which is also known as strength training can increase your muscle mass. Doing this activity 2 to 3 times per week is highly recommended by ADA. This exercise can lower your fasting blood glucose levels for 24 hours after you exercise.
  • Some examples of this activity are pushups, planks, and squats. You can also use dumbbells, kettlebells, and barbells.

Being insulin resistant can be very hard for a person. But, having an insulin-resistant diet, taking the right medicine, and exercising daily can help you ease this problem and let you live a normal life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes insulin resistance worse?

High-processed foods with simple sugars, such as white bread, cakes, cookies, and ice cream, increase blood sugars quickly and cause insulin resistance over time. Furthermore, meals heavy in saturated fats, such as sausage, bacon, cheese, and butter, have been demonstrated to aggravate insulin resistance.

How much time does it take to reduce insulin resistance?

To begin the process of correcting insulin resistance, a minimum initial lengthy fast of 36 hours to 3 days may be required.

Is insulin resistance a genetic disorder?

Inheritance. Type A insulin resistance syndrome can be inherited in either an autosomal dominant or, less usually, an autosomal recessive form. One copy of the mutated gene in each cell is enough to induce the condition in autosomal dominant inheritance.


The most important thing to remember when selecting meals for an insulin resistance diet is to strive for balance, variety, and moderation. You don’t want to get trapped in a rut, and forcing yourself to eat items you don’t enjoy doesn’t work.

Your goal should be to adopt a sustainable eating pattern that you can stick to in the long run while still integrating things you enjoy. There are numerous apps available to aid with diet and nutrition tracking. If you require additional assistance in making dietary adjustments, consult with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for personalized meal plan advice and ideas.

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